We’ve opened up a sneaker auctions section for CopTheseKicks.com and wanted to talk about it a little with you.
This has been in the works for some time. We’ve always envisioned a market place where you can get the kicks you want, or sell the pair that’s just sitting in your closet without all the hassle, downsides, fees, flakers ETC we’ve all struggled with in the past.

DOWN WITH THE BAY! 14% Thats the cut ebay takes after Paypal fees and Final Value fees. This isn’t even counting listing fees. They get you coming and they get you going. Worse yet, you can get taxed on the flakers who never pay you. Ebay will hit you with a final value fee even if your not paid and they don’t make it easy to get your money back.

Fakes and Flakes! Ebay is full of flakers and fake kicks. We’ve limited registration to Twitter account only to avoid these two issues. This keeps it honest, rip someone off, or bail on an auction someone’s going to call you out on it. With scammers and flakers out of the picture we can keep the market place stocked with serious sneakerheads only.
Powered by you, supported by you! All told it wasn’t cheap to upgrade the server and pay for the Auction system so your support is appreciated. We hope that the ads displayed on our site will allow us to keep this system up and running for free. But if you throw a few bucks our way we won’t complain. It’ll be bumpy at first, we know but in the end we hope everyone will prosper and the community will only get stronger.
If you would like to register, simply follow this link, leave the login info blank and click the twitter icon.