We talked about it our latest episode of Talk Kicks, we alerted everyone in our Authenticity Warning, the Air Jordan Retro 12 “Wings” will be at the top of China’s UA and Fake sneaker priority list. Limited to only 12,000 and employing gimmicks similar to the Lance Mountain Jordans meant demand would severely outstrip supply. This gives the Chinese factories a chance to really flourish from the salty and the foolish.
While we have nothing against someone purchasing fake or replica Jordans for personal use, the ugly truth is some of these will make their way onto eBay and trading circles with the intent to take someone’s money. In a best effort to protect the general public we want to highlight a few obvious differences you may want to take note of before purchasing.
Based on the few photos and videos circulating of these kicks here are some things to look for.
Quality Matters and while the Jordan Brand’s quality has rapidly gone downhill, they tend to be higher on limited runs. If you see paint issues, crooked or sloppy stitching or off center badges, they’re probably fake.

Direction of feathers on insert should point down, not up. Both in the official photos and on Mr Foamer Simpson’s video the feathers point down along the angle of the Jumpman’s leg.

Washed out colors are washed. Sure a simple filter could “fix” this, but most fake Retro 12 Wings tend to have a washed out yellow color rather than a richer gold color. While the feather pattern varies on different pairs, there should be no pixelation so check the print quality as well.

KNOW YOUR ENEMY: Keep an eye on the Retro 12 Wings fake market to make sure you can identify fakes to help you avoid them. Youtube videos of “Authentic” aka FAKE Wings are also a great resource for getting in depth looks at minor details.
Tagged Photos: A lot of people will be selling these based off their won raffles. This means stock photos or screen captures of the winning notification. Before you dump the cost of a 1999 Ford Taurus into a pair of kicks, get some in hand tagged photos first. Anyone can “borrow” someone else’s winning notification or purchase confirmation and try to pass it off as their own.

Deals Too Good To Be True: Resist the urge to jump on a price that’s more than 10% below market. Even if you think you’ve found a rube who doesn’t know what they’re worth, all you’ve likely found is a scam. Deal hunters are often marks for con men.
Unlikely Sizes: Obviously 8,8.5, 9.5, 10, 11, 12 are the general sizing for Fake Jordans. If you happen to be one of those sizes, your chances of getting fake kicks just quadrupled. Use extra scrutiny and cover your bases. Being a 9, 10.5 or 11.5 doesn’t mean you’re safe. There’s still plenty of replicas or unauthorized kicks, but it means you won’t get the outright garbage fakes.
A lot of caution and a little common sense can go a long way keeping you safe from getting ripped off in the secondary market. Never be afraid to back out of a deal if you smell something rotten. Then again even Flight Club gets had now and then so until we get special holograms or serial numbers on our kicks it’s best to be extra careful with extra hyped releases.
Till then, stay woke, be kind, and cop these kicks.